Fitness Dashboard

The Fitness Dashboard within the Orcasio Pulse Platform transforms complex data into a coherent overview of IT fitness, directly aligned with company strategy. It showcases the overall Fitness Score, emphasizing areas critical to strategic goals. Users can drill down into details to understand low scores, offering both a high-level view and specific insights for organizations, teams, or applications. It identifies which fitness functions need attention, providing clear guidance on improvement areas.


Fitness Score

The Fitness Dashboard revolutionizes how IT health is monitored and analyzed by introducing a comprehensive Fitness Score. This score represents the operational health of the entire IT landscape as well as individual scores for specific aspects or areas of interest, such as security, compliance, and more. What sets this dashboard apart is its ability to aggregate these scores not just at a macro level but also across various segments, organized by tags defined in the fitness functions. These tags facilitate viewing scores by distinct organizational layers, including the overall company, individual business units, teams, and applications. Users gain the unique advantage of observing how each segment contributes to the overall Fitness Score, as well as the ability to view scores for specific fitness functions within any chosen segment, be it an entire organization or a single application.

Score Insight

Exploring deeper into the data, the Fitness Dashboard offers unparalleled drill-down capabilities. From the aggregate total score, users can navigate through layers of data down to specific functions, applications, or teams, tracing the path of contribution to the overall IT fitness. This journey from the top-level score down to granular details, or moving laterally from a general area of interest to specific functions and teams, empowers users with a detailed understanding of performance across the IT spectrum. This feature not only facilitates targeted insights for improvement but also enables users to pinpoint exactly where interventions are needed. Whether it’s improving a specific application’s security measures or enhancing compliance across a business unit, the dashboard’s drill-down feature ensures that actionable data is just a few clicks away, providing a clear roadmap for enhancing IT operational health.